Breaking It Down: Raptors OT Offense in Game 2 – Heat Switching

The Raptors offense struck early in OT and faltered after, but didn't require heroics down the stretch.

The Raptors offense struck early in OT and faltered after, but didn’t require heroics down the stretch.  Here’s a play-by-play breakdown of how things played out in OT as the Raptors ran their offense entirely through their wings with mixed results.

4:41 – score: Great Lowry screen forces switch and DeRozan catches it on the move for a floater.  This is so much better of an action than when he dribbles with the defense in front of him from the top of the key to take that long-two.

3:51 – miss. Lowry drives to his weaker side which Dragic is fine with, and when he turns Whiteside is there.  There’s no other movement so the only option is to slide a difficult pass to JV, and Lowry takes the only feasible option with the shot-clock running down.

3:09 – miss.  Bad DeRozan long-two.  This is the prototypical shot that has killed him every post-season.

2:26 – make. JV involved in the pick ‘n roll and Whiteside will always prefer to hang back and worry about Lowry than defend JV out there – easy FT-line jumper for JV who doesn’t hesitate.  If the Raptors want to confuse the Heat, they should play Patterson at center and run this play, which would force Whiteside to come out.  Of course, the problems would be on the other end.

1:46 – miss. Too much time wasted by Lowry so when Carroll gets the ball with seconds left, he’s got to make quick offensive decisions which he’s not the best at.  Probably could’ve played Lowry going in towards the hoop, but settles for a contested jumper.  Would’ve also liked to see a cut into the paint from Cory Joseph who’s standing idly on the corner.

1:08 – turnover.  Lowry tries to shake off Dragic using a Carroll screen, but the Heat are very comfortable switching here and Wade forces Lwory baseline who jump-passes without a target in mind.  Bad pass, turnover.

1:06 – fouled.  Carroll comes up with the fortuitous steal.

:36 – miss. DeRozan tries to use the high-screen and Heat are again comfortable switching Wade onto any wing, so DeRozan doesn’t gain any advantage.  Tries to fake out Wade and nobody’s biting, and the possession ends up with Carroll driving against a good defender in Deng resulting in a low percentage shot.

:22 – intentional foul. Good misdirection by Joseph to fake going forward only to peel off to receive the ball.

:11 – intentional foul.  DeRozan is probably the guy the Heat wanted to foul the most, and the Raptors obliged.  Would’ve liked to have seen Joseph come down and present himself.

:5 – intentional foul. Massive mistake by Richardson to come towards the inbounder and leave Lowry in the backourt.  Wasted precious time off the clock for the Heat.