Spiraling Down the Rabbit Hole: The Scouting Report on Nando de Colo
An innocent email exchange with Alex Dewey of Gothic Ginobili quickly goes awry.
An innocent email exchange with Alex Dewey of Gothic Ginobili quickly goes awry.
It’s difficult to know what the difference is between what you see in the preseason, and what you learn. You can see player-to-undoubtedly-be-released-in-January play a major role for his team, but you’d be foolish to over react to what you see (right everyone who vocalized a 2012 pre-season opinion about Gerald Green?). You could see…
Chris Denker, of Netscouts Basketball, is reporting live from summer league: If you are evaluating on wins and losses the Toronto Raptors summer league performance has been disappointing with an 0-2 start. But if you are merely evaluating individuals and getting a look at your draft picks you can take away a few positives with…
Tricky Ricky. Some of the comments your readers had after our first set of questions were great and I feel they deserve a proper response. I wish I could respond to everyone but you have such a great following on Raptors Republic that I think I’d be writing until well after the draft