Morning Coffee – May 23

  Bullets Forever Tier 1: Chris Bosh (16 million through 2010) Notes: Toronto is Chris Bosh and a bunch of guys I don’t want.  Bosh has the highest value of anyone on this list.  He’s the only guy I’d trade McGee for and the only guy I’d consider giving up one of the Big 3…

Morning Coffee – May 22

T.O. Sports I understand that when Colangelo first came to Toronto he was considered to be the messiah. But lets face it this messiah we know as Bryan Colangelo has never won a championship and has never led the Raptors past the first round in the playoffs, so I think it’s time we start raising…

Morning Coffee – May 21

Toronto Star "You can’t have too many voices," Triano said yesterday. "We need to challenge each other, yes; but we all have to have the same basic philosophies or it won’t work." With NBA-wide speculation rampant that Triano will eventually hire former Memphis head coach Marc Iavaroni as his lead assistant, no one connected with…

6th to 10th picks this decade

First up, don’t forget the RR March Madness Pool. Let’s kick off our NBA Draft coverage by recapping what’s been going on between the 6th and 10th pick this decade. The Raptors are currently slated to draft 8th and even though the team’s playing terrible I don’t see them falling below OKC and upping their…