Gameday: Raptors vs Blazers – Nov. 6/10

It’s been incremental, but there has been improvement in this team as the season progresses. We’re not going to morph into some serious playoff team that will be a pest come the post-season, but things are happening. Also, I should have had Evans dressed at PF in my fantasy league instead of Odom, but the…

Talking Draft with Chris Denker Part 1

I’ve had the pleasure of trading some tweets/emails with Chris Denker, Managing Partner at NetScouts Basketball. Chris has a wealth of experience in the basketball industry accumulating over 22 years as a coach, scout, advance scout, video editor, clinician, consultant, writer, and administrator. Chris Denker is a 14 year veteran of NCAA Division I basketball…

Raps Fan’s 3 Point Shot

1) Pritchard, for reasons unknown, comes calling with a straight up trade of Oden for Bargnani. Do you make it? 2) What do you think this big announcement Chris Bosh has been advertising for June 1st will be? How disappointed do you think we will be? 3) Who’s got the Magic tonight? Who’s got the…