Piss Poor Effort

Raptors 96, Celtics 103 – Boxscore No Pierce/Garnett/Rondo, no problem…for the Celtics that is. What a waste of a Saturday night, and so much for that winning streak. I really thought the Raptors wouldn’t have much of a problem last night with the caveat that they come out focused and determined. I had a bad…

Gameday: Raptors vs C**tics – Nov. 27/09

I have a feeling Amir will come to Jose’s aid if KG starts yapping again. On a scale of one to Chris Brown, how upset/mad/depressed/pissed-off/violent were you feeling after the Charlotte game? Terrible. Just terrible. There was one positive that came out of it though: timing. We got that game out of our system before…