toronto raptors podcasts
Raptors Weekly Extra Podcast, Nov 11 – Bebe breakout and Raptors 905 preview
With special guest Chris Reichert, the D-League guru.
Raptors Weekly Extra Podcast, Oct 21 – The importance of being reasonable
Did Terrence Ross lose his momentum trying to please the fans? Poor guy.
Raptors Weekly Extra Podcast, Oct 14 – Leafs-Raptors and Toronto-Cleveland rivalries
Blake and Will are back at it again to add fuel to the Toronto-Cleveland rivalry fire.
Raptors Weekly Extra Podcast, Oct 7 – Sexy Bargnani and camp competitions
Blake and Will discuss the first three preseason games before looping in a guest to talk camp competitions and player rankings.
Raptors Weekly Extra Podcast, Sept 30 – Media Day reaction and fantasy preview
Blake and Will discuss media day before looping in a guest to talk fantasy ball.