Report: Charlotte Dangling Ben Gordon for Andrea Bargnani

Maybe there’s some GMs converging at the All-Star break and hatching out hatching out trade-rumours in their drunken stupor and then feeding it to Marc Stein. Or maybe Stein is sitting outside Michael Jordan’s office in a white van with ridiculous amount of lab equipment tapping phone calls and internet data packets. Whatever the case,…

Maybe there’s some GMs converging at the All-Star break and hatching out hatching out trade-rumours in their drunken stupor and then feeding it to Marc Stein. Or maybe Stein is sitting outside Michael Jordan’s office in a white van with ridiculous amount of lab equipment tapping phone calls and internet data packets. Whatever the case, he’s got a rumour out that Charlotte wants to move out Ben Gordon and might consider taking on Andrea Bargnani.

This move makes little sense logistically since we already have Ross and Anderson, but whatever, stranger things have known to happen (like Kapono, Turk, JO) so I’ll suspending by disbelief. Stein goes on to say that Ross is playing well, indicating that he doesn’t watch the Raptors much and that despite Gordon being easier to swallow than Boozer (one less year on contract), we’re not trading a former #1 pick just for the hell of it.

RR wholeheartedly welcomes any trade that gets us to the magic number of 39 wins and an Eastern playoff seed. Also, child labour is cool.

[Related: Gordon for Bargnani – Forum Discussion]