PHOTO: Did Bruno just dub Bebe ‘The Long Weeknd?’

As if Bebe wasn't enough of a nickname.

Lucas Nogueira doesn’t need a nickname. He’s already referred to primarily as Bebe, making him one of the most punnable players in the NBA.

But with greater success comes greater attention and, apparently, greater creativity. Best buddy Bruno Caboclo took to Instagram early Monday, reposting an image from Kevin Joseph that dubs Nogueira “The Long Weeknd.” Quite obviously, the nickname comes from the matching hairstyles of the OVOXO crooner and the Raptors emerging center.

Iiiiiiih patrao sera? #OftenPatrao

A photo posted by Bruno Caboclo (@brunofive) on

Considering The Weeknd’s ties to Drake, maybe this has some legs.

Caboclo’s caption, by the way, translates roughly to “Boss will be? #OftenBoss.” There’s almost surely something being lost there, but I’m definitely using “Often Boss” as a descriptor for Nogueira from now on.