Talking Raptors Rapcast (Ep. 11) – Sunshine and Sneakers with Megan Ann Wilson

We talk to Megan Ann Wilson about the Raptors and what they're trying to do with Drake, and lay rest to the corpse of tank nation.

On this weeks episode of Talking Raptors, Nick and Barry discuss the amazing week and the future of Toronto’s surging team. Tank Nation is put to bed for good as the guys explain why they are being cautiously optimistic. They sit down with NBA/NFL stylist Megan Ann Wilson to chat about Raptors fashion, Drake and style in the NBA. Its all capped off with a big time announcement.

Grab the iTunes feed or the plain old feed. You can also download the file (38:24, 55 MB). Or just listen below:

The Rapcast can be found wherever you download podcasts.