Sean May not Okay

Not a good start to the Bobcat Bet. Sean May is doin’ what the cool kids do and undergoing microfracture surgery to repair his knee. That means his NEW challenge for this season is to avoid ballooning into the Mullato Marshmallow Man, as he’s known to do (below pic is when Sean – only 6-8…

Not a good start to the Bobcat Bet.

Sean May is doin’ what the cool kids do and undergoing microfracture surgery to repair his knee. That means his NEW challenge for this season is to avoid ballooning into the Mullato Marshmallow Man, as he’s known to do (below pic is when Sean – only 6-8 – was tipping the scales at 272).

But while it doesn’t bode well for my Bobbies, I still think know they’ll break .500. I feel it in my bones. Maybe Sean May felt it in his bones too, and the feeling was so strong it tore all the cartilage. Yup, that’s probably what happened.

sean may

“I just got my wisdom teeth out. For real! (beat) Now could ya pass the potato salad?”