Today, my mug’s filled with joy.
It’s nice to be recognized.
In case you’ve noticed a bit of buzzing in the comments section of the blog over the past week or so, this little island burg floating in the vast interocean has been found! Land HO!
That’s right folks, due to lowered standards and the subjective opinion of a few easy-to-please people, the Dinosty’s been nominated for a few awards. That’s right baby, hardware, bling, brass, whatever. We’re not one to rest on our accolades…primarily because we haven’t gotten any until now. They’re not going to get me to the front of the line at Harveys, but still we’re pleased to be considered ‘good’ and ‘funny’, and whatever else got us mentioned. It’s a little thing, but it’s a nice thing.
In addition to being nominated for by the Hardwood Paroxysm NBA Blogger Awards as best Rookie Blogger, we’ve also been noticed by the Canadian* Blog Awards. You can’t vote for the Hardwood Awards until April (I’ll remind you, I promise), but voting for the Canadian Blog Awards starts TODAY.
* For my American readers, just look up. You’ll see us there, shivering our asses off, adding the letter U to words like “color” and “flavor”.
The Canadian Blog Awards: The Dinosty is nominated for two awards:
Best New Blog (look closely, they make it tough to see)
Click on the above links if you want to vote for me (and you do). You can only vote once, but if you, all your coworkers, and everyone in your building vote just once, it’ll give this little upstart a fighting chance. To make it worth your while, the Dinosty’s pledging to donate $1 to a worthy charity* for every vote tallied. So not only are helping me, but you’re also helping those in need (of my money).
*The Moosehead Brewery Appreciation Fund. You should all do your part.
Listen to P-Diddy (seriously, I’ll die if you don’t vote).
I’m not going to say “I need your vote”, but I need your vote. So no pressure. You only have the chance to make my childhood dream of taking home a Bloggie in your hands.
To celebrate these announcements, talk Raptors basketball, and make a fool of myself, I’m going to be appearing on the FAN590 tonight, on a show called sportscentral with Zack Cooper. That’s right, I get to go headsies with the Baritone stallion himself! Hopefully I won’t fuck up his show or say “fuck” at all.
If you, like me, have long trashed your radio to make room for your space-age iPod dock, you can still hear the show at The show’s on from 9pm EST until 12 – not sure what time I’ll be on it yet, but c’mon, it’s Monday – you can afford to sit still for three hours and wait for my golden voice (kinda like Daffy Duck, but with more curses).
So that’s it. A fairly exciting day here in Dinoland. Tomorrow we’re heading out to sunny California for a week. Will be posting, but also toasting, so I don’t want any shit (meaning you, Arsenalist!) if I’m not RIGHT on top of things. Your friendly neighborhood blogger certainly needs a week of relaxation… which starts….NOW!
(Go vote)