Rogers reaches deal with TSN2

Finally, it happened. Raptor fans missing half the season wasn’t a good enough reason but the Blue Jays vs Red Sox series was. It tells you how far Rogers is willing to go to promote their own product and also serves as a reminder of how MLSE did nothing to speed up the process of…

Finally, it happened. Raptor fans missing half the season wasn’t a good enough reason but the Blue Jays vs Red Sox series was. It tells you how far Rogers is willing to go to promote their own product and also serves as a reminder of how MLSE did nothing to speed up the process of getting this deal done. Before the season started, both TSN and Rogers were saying that it was a matter of weeks if not days, but since the games didn’t start appearing on TSN2 in earnest till December, the issue got lost in the mix. By December the team was struggling and interest in basketball was low which meant the ratings were falling, this of course didn’t help motivate any party involved and everyone sort of eased up and let the hardcore fans be pissed.

It’s over now but this issue served as a huge backdrop for 2008-09 and one which nobody will soon forget. TSN2 will be available to Rogers analog subscribers on channel 59 and to digital subscribers on channel 98.
