Roll Call…Oct 11 vs Wizards

The turkey time edition Banks – his worst game of the preseason, but he only saw the floor for 2 minutes. Still, that was enough to provide flashbacks (premonitions?). 3 fouls, 1 assist and providing a face to acid reflux. Bargnani – speaking of worst games of the preseason, Andrea was off tonight. His already…

The turkey time edition

Banks – his worst game of the preseason, but he only saw the floor for 2 minutes. Still, that was enough to provide flashbacks (premonitions?). 3 fouls, 1 assist and providing a face to acid reflux.

Bargnani – speaking of worst games of the preseason, Andrea was off tonight. His already suspect D was magnified today when he saw more of the backs of the jerseys of the guy he was defending than the front. He did grab 5 boards, but he seemed completely disinterested most of the game.

Belinelli – by far his best game.  He was poor from the outside and Miller beat him badly twice, but he cut down on his off-balance shots and seemed more stable when he attacked today. Gotta keep this up to prove your worth.


Bosh – Jamison absolutely torched him to start the game….that tattoo on Bosh’s body might just be a Wizard’s logo with a #4 attached. He had as brutal a game as can be expected from a guy in his second game back, but the way he was neutralized and knocked around was concerning.

Calderon – if he isn’t clapping, he’s pointing more than a compass. In a rare sight, he actually had more rebounds (5) than assists (2) in nearly 30min of play. Yes, 30 minutes, 2 assists. His line also featured a –17.  Time to start wondering.

DeRozan – Great job at getting to the line and an incredible clean-up dunk brought the game to a successful result. He seems to start games on a bit of a slow and steady pace, then the coaches get in his ear and he takes it to heart. A lot more stable with the ball in his hands today and 36 min (!) should hopefully never be seen again this early.

Douby – wow. Looking off a wide open Bargs then, in the same sequence, committing a bone-headed foul on the other end of the floor. That squeaking you hear is coming from the hinges on the door starting to close. I’m really disappointed after how he played in summer league. Bigger flash in the pan than Aunt Jemima.

Evans – 2 early offensive fouls courtesy of his bull-in-a-china-shop style, but he settled down, got to the line, and provided that down-low spark we desperately need. Looked like he was in his teammates face a lot more today than the last few games.

Jack – poor shooting day but a great job in setting up plays and finding open guys. Still needs to assert himself more and take charge in the offense, especially when sharing the floor with Jose. His offsetting style will provide other teams fits.

Johnson – fantastic job on rotation defence, a couple monster blocks, and more consistent than trips to the washroom after eating Wendy’s chili with 5 packets of hot sauce.

Nesterovic – nailed to the bench. Maybe the baby kept him up.

O’Bryant – he shot 100%!!! He is a scoring machine! A slam dunk for the MIP Raptor!!! Peanut butter jelly time!!!

Turkoglu- good to hear he was putting up shots in the pregame. Need him on the floor and settling into this offense. Say what you want, but the early part of this season could be more important than the later part.

Weems – He started again and was having a monster game until jamming his toe. He was kept out as a precaution, but before heading out after 10min, he had put up 4 points, grabbed 6rebs and was all over the court. He was an unknown quantity entering training camp and is quickly becoming a sleeper pick for top 8.

Wright – have to wonder if the longer he is out, the more minutes he is losing in the regular season. Some guys are biting into them right in front of his bench-sitting eyes. Gotta get up and at ‘em.

Driving The Bus:  Marco Belinelli

Under The Bus:  Chris Bosh

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