Rapcast #63: Bargnani indicted

Effort against Philly, Bargnani as a #2 man, DeRozan's rookie wall, Hedo's redemption, Amir Johnson's yanking and the daunting roadtrip are amongst the topics of discussion. Warning: Bargnani fanboys stay clear.

Effort against Philly, Bargnani as a #2 man, DeRozan’s rookie wall, Hedo’s redemption, Amir Johnson’s yanking and the daunting roadtrip are amongst the topics of discussion. Warning: Bargnani fanboys stay clear. You can click the play button below or listen directly in iTunes (33:16 min). You may also download the file (11.7MB).


The Bargnani talk veered off into a discussion of whose minutes a guy like Reggie Evans should be slicing into, if any? Is it Bargnani’s or Johnson’s? The stats point to the Raptors being a better team with Johnson on the floor as he brings more defense at the cost of offense which we seem to have in spades. Does Bargnani get a free pass when compared to Johnson? Amir gets yanked out of the game after two bad plays, but Bargnani continues to see floor time (39+ minutes last night) despite being a non-factor on defense and providing inconsistent offense. Is it a double-standard? What kind of message does it send?

Yes, Marco Belinelli’s shooting is inconsistent, but does he bring more than just that and are we too quick to judge him just based on his shooting. Is his defense and ball-handling ignored or underrated? How long do we wait for DeRozan? Was starting him a good idea to begin with?

The upcoming schedule is fierce: @LA, @SAC, @GSW, @POR, vs ATL, vs OKC. 3-3 would be dandy and 0-6 could see us sit out of the playoffs as Milwaukee, Chicago, Miami and Charlotte make their charge.

Hedo Turkoglu’s had a miserable year, but how easily all would be forgiven if he delivered in the playoffs? We still have faith in Hedo, even though his contract sucks and all signs point to him being a bad fit. After all, we already got two decent PGs, did we really need a one-dimensional point-forward?

Did Avatar get robbed?

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