Notes and Quotes: Kyle Lowry Hints at Internal Issues; Everybody Wants Everybody Back; James Johnson Most Talented Player

I’m stuck at work with meetings all day (you know how it goes), but I’ve got some select Tweets from the locker-room clean out thing, which you can enjoy. My favorite line is James Johnson being the most talented player but not getting any minutes. Casey: “I think we kind of took practice as punishment.…

I’m stuck at work with meetings all day (you know how it goes), but I’ve got some select Tweets from the locker-room clean out thing, which you can enjoy. My favorite line is James Johnson being the most talented player but not getting any minutes.

He assigned them work, they begrudgingly accepted it and treated it like it was punishment.  Miscommunication, is what this is.

Oooh…Locker-room issues? What happened to that chemistry we had last year? What internal issues is he referring to? Let the speculation begin.

Post-injury? You gave him 10 days to recover from injury, what’s he supposed to do? P90x? The mismanagement of Lowry’s injury is at the heart of the Raptors post-season failures (along with no D).

WHAT. THE. HELL. So he admits he’s the most talented player but doesn’t play him.

No, you didn’t establish a defensive style that suited your roster.

On a related note, I’m confident that I can build a space shuttle which can take us to Neptune.


Off-loading blame here.  I get players have to speak up, but if you notice it’s not happening, you have to step in as a coach, and pure speculation here, but I don’t think Casey did that and he let the players figure it out, which they didn’t.

No one has confirmed it either.

Yeah, I have Masters Certificate from U of T printed on my T-Shirt to motivate my kids.  Doesn’t work.


In addition to a couple more veterans, we also need a rebounder, a wing defender, a system…

No doubt here, the question is whether he’s getting better at the same rate the organization needs him to be.

Dumb question, obvious answer by 2Pat.

Something is brewing, I don’t think we’re that far off.  But it starts with an identity, and we think we’re a defensive team which we’re not, so right off the bat we have a false identity,and with that baseline, you can’t do much.

“Motivational coach” can sometime be translated as “he is not an X’s and O’s coach”

Damn well you did.  Got to take any shot at any time in a contract year.


He’s right, we’re not used to winning like this but once you get used to it, you want the feeling to continue and in the playoffs it came to a crashing halt.