Raptors Weekly Podcast – Will we finally decide on a head coach?

Host William Lou is joined by Zarar Siddiqi to discuss all things Raptors. Topics: – Bryan Colangelo’s insecurity – Will LeBron James finally leave the East and how does that affect the Raptors? – Addressing the ‘dark horse’ LeBron contenders – Who will the Raptors hire as head coach? – What direction should they go…

Host William Lou is joined by Zarar Siddiqi to discuss all things Raptors.

– Bryan Colangelo’s insecurity
– Will LeBron James finally leave the East and how does that affect the Raptors?
– Addressing the ‘dark horse’ LeBron contenders
– Who will the Raptors hire as head coach?
– What direction should they go this summer?
– Twitter questions

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