Labour-Power (& Load Management)

Two weeks ago, having written about the fecklessness of siding with ownership against labour, I received pushback on one idea: Which brings us to leverage. Players (labour) rarely have much. Kawhi, bless him, has made it a personal challenge to explore just how much leverage a player (labour) can yield. Revising these lines, I regret…

Photo by Vaughn Ridley/Getty Images

42, 44, 43

“O Deep Thought computer,” he said, “the task we have designed you to perform is this. We want you to tell us….” he paused, “The Answer.” “The Answer?” said Deep Thought. “The Answer to what?” “Life!” urged Fook. “The Universe!” said Lunkwill. “Everything!” they said in chorus. Deep Thought paused for a moment’s reflection. “Tricky,”…

What Comes After Everything?

  Change in itself always involves a loss. At the very least, it is a loss of the status quo, of the way things were. This is why whether a change is positive or negative there is always some dimension of loss to it, with some measure of grief being warranted even if it is…