Podcast: Talking Raptors Ep. 14 – Live From New York!

This week we're on the road in New York City.

*we apologize for the slightly below standard audio quality. Our travel equipment kind of sucks.*

This week we’re on the road in New York City.

We discuss:

-Why it’s ok to hate Vince Carter.
-Is Terrance “Trey Rozay” Ross the real deal?
-Is there a chance Kevin Durant wears a Raptors jersey in the future?
-The rampant Kyle Lowry trade rumours.
-The newest cast member in Talking Raptors The Movie.

They also hit the streets to see what New Yorkers think of the Toronto Raptors.

Grab the iTunes feed or the plain old feed. You can also download the file (31:50, 45 MB). Or just listen below:

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