Rethinking Colangelo’s genius

First off, a big shout out to all the members of the Raptors Republic. Its great to be on board and I look forward to giving a voice to angry Raptors’ fans everywhere- each and every week! For starters, I’d like to revisit a couple of ideas that I have been writing about for the…

Does Winning = Money?

An interesting comment, and some proceeding ones, about winning and profitability sparked my interest. This has been something I always have thought about. Fortunately, Forbes listed their NBA team valuation list, which included profitability. Some really interesting things came up, reaffirming what many Raptor Fans have known/suspected for years: WINNING DOES NOT EQUAL PROFITABILITY!

Sam Mitchell Fired!

Jay Triano is the interim coach. Sportsnet Link. I knew it was a done deal when Doug Smith bravely said that Sam’s job is “very safe”. The players should feel real shitty after this move. The Denver loss was the straw that broke the camel’s back and it was ultimately the players who got their…

In the year 2010…

…Barack Obama will have cured poverty, racism, and hiccups. You’ll be able to drive to work in your cell phone. People will still be waiting for “Darko’s breakout year.” And Raptors fans will be holding their breath in hopes that Chris Bosh, their future Hall of Famer, decides to “keep it Canuck” and sign a…

Raptors vs Bobcats Live Blog/Chat

No O’Neal and a banged up Calderon against some quick guards. Should be fun. I’ll be in the chat around 7:45 PM EST, see you then. Live Stream: Raps win!!

Fix the defense and go from there

These are tough times, team’s not playing well, the injuries are piling up, the defense isn’t there and worst of all a potentially humbling West coast trip is lurking in the shadows. They say you have to hit rock-bottom before you can start to rise and I think we officially did that this weekend. The…

With so much drama in the MLSE…

…It’s kinda hard to be a Raptors fan like me. If the Raptors are my girlfriend, the object of my affection and the one that makes my heart flutter like a pair of folded hole cards, the MLSE is her asshole father (Not mine, John’s a great guy, but you get it.) Even if you…

Some PG #2 stuff and the Raptors mascot

It would be sadly ironic if Jose Calderon misses tomorrow’s Heat game and we would start Will Solomon at the point. It would mark a complete 180 degree turn from the situation of only a year ago when the Raptors main advantage over any opponent in the league was the starting point guard situation. The…

TSN2, Hollinger, Bosh and other off-day banter

You could say the good news about Jose Calderon’s injury is that we’re playing the Heat next and if need be he could be rested a bit more. But seeing how they’re 4-4 just like us, I don’t see this being an easy matchup, especially with Marion and Wade around. He had an MRI on…

Jose Update

Direct from the man himself: This afternoon I received the results of the MRI that was carried out this mourning, after the game against Philadelphia. There is a small injury that will require follow up daily to see how it evolves. It is too early to know if I can play the next game but…