Toronto vs. Dallas, 7pm

No time for a regular-length post today. Gotta get life all wrapped up before I hit a Christmas Non-Denominational Holiday Party, where my focus turns from basketball to getting my greedy little fingers on all the drink tickets I can.  I’m going to record the game, but chances are I’ll get home and just fast…

Toronto vs. Atlanta, 7pm

There was a time, not long ago, where Atlanta winning 3 straight was the universal signal for Armageddon. Fast forward to 2007, where the Atlanta Tiny Tykes are 10-10 following a surprising home win last night against Orlando. The Hawks are an exciting squad of athletes too young to legally drink but old enough to…

Toronto vs. Houston, 12:30

No significant pre-game post today because of yesterday’s (read it) mid-season (read it) analysis (reading it cures impotence! Get on it!), but I couldn’t resist prospect of posting a… Girl Talk: Rafer Alston As of this very moment…I vow to myself to never view this site again…yall can have Rafer’s lying ass…he will NEVER change….and…

Halfway to Halfway – After 20 Games

A quarter of the way through a movie, there are things you know, and things you don’t. You got the main characters, the immediate problem, and you’re just about to get down to business. An NBA season is no different. After twenty, you should know what to expect from your personnel, know roughly what’s going…

Sam Mitchell can’t ride the Bosh/Bargnani excuse much longer

Toronto Raptors 84, Boston Celtics 112 Hmmm…you didn’t need to watch past the first quarter because the other three were the same: Boston tearing an undermanned Raptors squad inside out as the Raps struggle with their offense while the coaching staff simply waits for Bosh/Bargs to come back. Yes, we were missing two key players…

Toronto vs. Boston, 7:30pm

Boston Celtics by the numbers: 2008 Record: 15-2 2007 Record: 24-58 2008 home record: 9-0 Average Margin of Victory, 2008: 12 points Number of times giving up 100+ points: 4 (3 in regulation) Kevin Garnett 2008 stats: 19.5ppg, 11.3rpg, 3.8apg Ray Allen 2008 stats: 19.6ppg, 4.5rpg, 3.4apg Paul Pierce: 20.9ppg, 5.4rpg, 5.2apg Big Three Combined…

Raptors lose as Steve Nash receives fellatio for 2 1/2 hours

Phoenix Suns 136, Toronto Raptors 123 Perimeter defense? Non-existent. Transition defense? MIA. Rotational defense? Zilch. Closing out shooters? Rarely. Result? 136 points allowed. But at least the fans got their pizza. There isn’t a team in the NBA that has had success trying to out-gun the Suns, so why Phoenix East thought that playing pedantic…

The Super Fantastic Quick-Move Suns RoundBall Challengggge! – 7pm

Break out the Red Bull and cocaine smoothies, the Happy Happy Fun Time American Speed Show is in town! Sooooo…the Raps haven’t beaten Phoenix since Feb. 10, 2004. To put that in perspective, Chris Andersen was still in the NBA, we were winning the war on terror, and Britney Spears was still a virgin.   …

Need more reason to hate Darrick Martin?

Charlotte Bobcats 79, Toronto Raptors 98 Darrick Martin just gave us another small little reason to hate him. He did the “professional” thing and left the score frozen at 98 when the fans were chanting “Pizza, Pizza” louder than they were “Let’s go Raptors” all evening. The pizza situation was the only one in question…

Dinolinks for December 3rd

Check these hoop-related links for December 3rd: KG Clowns the Knicks and Craig Sager’s Ugly Suit – hilarious post-game interview after the Celts beat the Knicks by 50 Paul Pierce Doesn’t Know Mini-Me’s Name – Awesome has a new name. And Piece doesn’t know what it is. Our bearded hero. – BD, the black Superman