Talking Raptors ball with Michael Grange

Michael Grange was in Detroit for Game #44 against the Pistons tonight and he took some time out to talk Raptors ball. He gave us his take on what Colangelo should do and his thoughts on Bosh’s fourth quarter play, our wing situation, Jason Kapono’s unfortunate signing, Jermaine O’Neal not being on the bench, and…

Michael Grange was in Detroit for Game #44 against the Pistons tonight and he took some time out to talk Raptors ball. He gave us his take on what Colangelo should do and his thoughts on Bosh’s fourth quarter play, our wing situation, Jason Kapono’s unfortunate signing, Jermaine O’Neal not being on the bench, and tons of other stuff. I also asked him about Jamario Moon’s Atlanta debacle.

You can have a listen by clicking on the play button below or directly in iTunes. You can also download the file here.


Many thanks to Michael Grange whose blog From Deep remains one of the best.

A quick note about the ESPN affiliation. We’ve very excited to be part of Henry Abbott’s True Hoop Blog network and hope that this affiliation will lead to better content for the readers of this site. For now we’ve just added the ESPN Video Player which contains stuff like the Daily Dime and other NBA highlights which you probably check out anyway. We’d like to thank all the readers of the site who have made it a success in a relatively short time. An extra thanks to the commenters who keep the discussion going despite mounting losses and continued frustrations. Everyone at RR is committed to working hard to keep this thing going and need your continued support. Thanks again for making this part of your daily reading.

The Rapcast can be found wherever you download podcasts.