Uh, oh…This Guy Again

Boom Boom Batum.

Whatever good work Tony Parker had done for the French, Alexis Ajinça ruined it. Now it’s another Frenchman who is on the radar, and it’s Nicolas Batum, the Blazers RFA who is rumoured to be the last guy Portland will lock up (considering how he’s got a $6.5 cap-hold and will likely make more than that in his next deal). You might recall Batum as being drafted #25 by the Blazers in 2008, the year the Raptors and their renowned international scouting staff decided to flip the #17 pick for something that resembled Jermaine O’Neal’s carcass.

You don’t need me to write the rest of this but I will do so in short bursts. Raptors. Small Forward. Sucks. Batum. Small Forward. Batum. RFA. Money. Colangelo. Batum. Throw. At.

There you go, that’s how easy it is to write a post these days. If you really want some analysis, maybe you should check out Tim Chisholm’s small forward list, it’s hardly realistic and mostly fantasy but a guy’s got a churn out a piece, now doesn’t he?. Actually, it sort of reminds me of myself when I watch the The Bachelor: Yeah, I’d do her..and her…prolly her too…yup…meh..why not…

Where do the Raptors, who are at $41M (cap is $58M) get that extra money to throw at Batum? Well, Jerryd Bayless of course. There’s no need to even think about picking up his $4.1M qualifying offer, when you can get Ben Uzoh to do basically the same shit for free. If Jim Kelly ever proves to be worth even 1% of the airtime he gets on raptors.com starting in about two weeks, we might even find a point guard in the draft who can play defense and doesn’t just pretend to do so. This man says to buy a pick for $3M and get Damian Lillard, and don’t talk to me about his height!


Speculate on why that might be (oh, this should be fun).

As we’re always looking out for our readers, I’ve found an awesome deal on a jersey. So awesome that the guy isn’t even listing a price, just asking you to pay what you can. There’s only one small catch.

You might also want to know that Jonas V won an award(s) of some sort in Europe. Actually, this is like an Employee of the Month type award more than anything. Still, though. We might want to hang that in the rafters at the ACC.