Justin Bieber Votes for Kyle Lowry; Forgets Hashtag (43K RTs/votes so far)

I suppose we forgot to account for the teenage vote when figuring out if Kyle Lowry was going to make it to the All-Star team.

Here’s something to take your mind off the recent losing. I suppose we all forgot to account for the teenage girls vote when figuring out if Kyle Lowry was going to make it to the All-Star team. While Drake’s been tight-lipped, a long-forgotten and somewhat annoying Canadian has stepped up to the plate, and missed:

See, the problem is that he didn’t use the hashtag #NBABallot, which means that technically, none of his RTs can be counted. With a 100K difference between Lowry and Wall, this could end up being the deciding factor.

So thanks Biebs, but….you f***ed up. Unless the NBA has some mercy, of course. Now if Lowry misses out by, say, 10K votes and Bieber’s votes don’t count, he just may have unwittingly made himself a villain in a movie that he’s not even in.

I also like how he referred to Lowry as his “buddy”, which I’m sure Lowry’s thrilled with.