NBA Quiztime: PPG Special!

This episode Anthony Hall and Thomas Rivas answer some questions and name some players in this special PPG-focused episode! Make sure to check all our Raptors podcasts; all Confederacy of Dunks episodes are available separately as well.

NBA Quiz Time – Confederacy of Dunks

Confederacy of Dunks the GAME SHOW is back and this time its an all NBA Quiz with Jay Rosales and Arthur Simeon! Can you name all the highest scoring rookie games since 2000? Give it a shot! Make sure to check all our Raptors podcasts; all Confederacy of Dunks episodes are available separately as well.


This episode Cathryn Naiker and Imman Adan play COD THE GAME SHOW. This week its ALL trivia and real scoring! Who will win? Play along at home and let us know how you did! Make sure to check all our Raptors podcasts; all Confederacy of Dunks episodes are available separately as well.

Confederacy of Dunks THE GAME SHOW

Welcome to the first episode of the NEW Confederacy of Dunks Game Show! This week we've got COD mainstay Matt McReady and The Disaster Show's own Filipe Dimas testing their basketball knowledge and talkin' bout Arby's. ITS A BOLD NEW DIRECTION FOR THE SHOW, check it out!