The Sweet Sixteen and Drafting a Shooting Guard

Steve finds DeRozan attractive The first weekend of the tournament is over and with it some 2/3’s have returned back to their respective campuses with nothing to show (including my beloved Bruins).  However, 16 teams remain and will meet again starting this Thursday. Last week I speculated on the Raps drafting a PG and previewed…

This team needs an overhaul and here’s how

I love the internet and the world of blogging. If I write that the Raptors could win 50 games if Colangelo goes out and makes one more move to solidify his bench (as I did after the O’Neal trade) I get labeled a homer and told that I’m part of the problem with fans in…

March Madness and Drafting Point Guards

Still a few hours left to sign up for RR March Madness Pool. If you are planning on taking a few days off to keep a close eye on who might fall into the Raptors laps this year, let me give you a bit of a breakdown on where to look and who to keep…

Expectations, The Draft, and Keeping it Real

Those who know me know one thing: I’m all about keepin’ it real. So let’s be realistic. I had hoped to write a column today about how the Raptors had been reborn: Jay Triano had been fired and replaced by Eddie Jordan or Avery Johnson. O’Neal and Moon had been transformed in Shawn Marion. Roko…

Attention BC, No Encore Necessary

With all due respect to some of my friends and colleagues here at the Republic: The Raptors easily win the Marion deal and now find themselves only a couple dollars away from being REBUILT. Now, I’d love to suggest that more deals are coming and that Nash and Amare are just around the corner, but…

Bosh Wants to Leave Toronto: What a Surprise!

So now it is official (at least according to Stephen A. Smith) that unofficially Bosh wants out of Toronto. Truthfully, how can anyone be surprised by this? I mean, what has this team done since they traded Carter and made him the guy? Let us not kick a dead horse and go over again how…

Season can still be saved, says Eric Smith to RR

It was another tough loss to swallow for Raptors fans. After ANOTHER lack luster showing versus the lowly Pacers for three quarters, the boys came up short in a game they not only needed to win, but should have – especially after a hard fought 4th quarter comeback. As a side note, imagine what this…

Another Loss and Another Blown Lead

There is a pattern developing here. First the Raptors come out like gangbusters- shoot the ball with a high percentage, pound the ball inside with success, and put the boot to top flight teams: Portland, NJ, Dallas, even Boston. Next, the team begins to build some confidence. And lastly, they begin to jack up shots…

Watching this season disappear…

OK, its not really that bad- but at the present moment things are not looking good in Raptorland. So, fellow citizens of the Raptors Republic, lets sit back and try to get a little bit of perspective here. You see, Ive had enough of people complaining about how bad this team is (and this includes…

Rethinking Colangelo’s genius

First off, a big shout out to all the members of the Raptors Republic. Its great to be on board and I look forward to giving a voice to angry Raptors’ fans everywhere- each and every week! For starters, I’d like to revisit a couple of ideas that I have been writing about for the…