Raptors Host Agent Zero et al

I’m not a pre-season kind of guy: on the one hand, I don’t get excited when the Raptors win a game – it’s pre-season, means nothing; but on the other hand, when they lose…WTF! Irrational, I know. Fortunately, Triano doesn’t care either way, it’s how the boys on the 2nd and 3rd units are gonna…

Roll Call…Oct 7 vs Philadelphia

The well, at least the Yankees won edition Banks – considering what he had given us previously, he is already off to his best season in a Raptor uniform. Hustle, took a hard foul, talking on the floor. Has he played well enough to be the 10th man in the rotation? Bargnani – continued to…

Roll Call…Oct 6 vs Philadelphia

The we’ll get ‘em tomorrow edition… Banks – a few nice passes (including a nice alley-oop), hit a straightaway three, found DeRozan for a timely three, but committed some poor fouls. This isn’t saying much but this was probably his best game in a Raptors uniform. Bargnani – In the absence of Bosh and Hedo,…